Are we there yet?

Packaging complete.

Just a few more megabytes.

Are we really done?

I hardly even remember how long I have worked on this project. How many hours, days, years went into it. How much money just to make something I could consider "Acceptable"

Even now I can't believe I finished it. Even now... I'm not truly satisfied.

But at one point a girl has to admit she reached the limit to what she can do by herself. And as the years passed I grew less inclined to demand the time of the few people whose help I have relied on for so long.

My few friends who played through this game once, twice, three times to look for obvious glitches. That one friend who knew enough about code to save an otherwise ruined project from being tossed out.

I am grateful for every one of them but I felt selfish to demand more of their time.

Then there was the art which I needed to set this game apart. "ND" has delivered great work, but real life makes it hard for him to work faster than he already does, and my savings with which I purchased his services have grown thin.

While there was still so much I would have liked to add. Tailored voice acting, more entirely custom portraits. Maybe even an animated intro or ending. My meager income just couldn't buy any of those.

What I did decide was that the girls that accompany you in this game deserved a little more time with their beloved "Valkyrie"

And as such this update, beyond fixing some known issues. Extends and improves upon their romance scenes with new CG and new dialogue. (Of course, getting to these scenes still depends on your own choices and actions)

It also adds a short story for you to enjoy at the end where you can read how their life together (Or depending on your choices, your very lonely one) turned out.

With this, while I don't feel entirely sated. I know I tried my best.
And I thank all of you that supported me on my way here.


Corruption of Laetitia.exe 177 MB
Nov 17, 2020
Corruption of 178 MB
Nov 17, 2020

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Thanks a bunch ! I played it 3 times already from start to finish and I can tell how much love was poured inside of it, I really wanted to see most of it (and I'm pretty sure I still mised some).

This kind of game is what make me love games. But I also find it kind of sad the technicity of it made it hard for you :(

I hope you are doing great. I'm kind of sad you don't have more visibility and that there are no "wiki entry" with walkthrought and tip&tricks and discussion around it.

I'm doing a wiki of my latest run and I feel kind of overwhelmed "I should play it again to make it right hurrrh" :o

A LOOOOT of CG hidden in the bad endings too. I never seen any game do that before :o


Thank you for your kind words!

When I started making the game my thought process was really just "I want there to be a game like this, if I can't find it I will make it." And ended up biting off more than I could chew.

Having had more visibility would have been nice! But I am grateful with what I got. To be honest I have been kinda down in general so I don't think much will happen beyond this point. Until I feel better I consider the game finished as is!

I sent the files of my game to a friend who offered to work out the last few kinks but she found it very overwhelming. I can't really blame her, I wasn't the cleanest in my work process.

Still I'm glad that despite its flaws you managed to get enjoyment out of it, it really means so much to me. If you do end up making something make sure to link it, I would love to check it out!

I know the feels, very relatable, doing 99% of all gamedev yourself.

Especially when it comes down to games that satisfy and pander to kinks you connect with, it's difficult to not suddenly lose focus and find yourself completely lost in lust...

Deleted 283 days ago

I understand the concern! While there's no sex or nudity there are a few situations (and a race of slime girls) that I can't really call 'Safe For Work' There's also the fact that girl-love is a prevalent theme. So based on that you would have to decide for yourself!