A downloadable game for Windows

When the forces of hell threaten to overrun the world,
and humanity seems to be on the losing side of a war.

One Valkyrie, a half-angel, is the only one
who can prevent the coming onslaught that would
bathe the world of Laetitia in blood

What she doesn't know,
even as she and her paladins stand on the threshold
of the corrupted Ramarian keep.

Is that this quest will forever warp her image of 'good' and 'evil'.

Because when the light would freely abandon you,
and the hand of darkness reaches out for you, promising aid.

Which would you choose?

Corruption of Laetitia is a story-based RPG that follows the adventure of a spear-wielding heroine raised as a weapon against all evil. And her experiences as she learns that "Good" and "evil" might be less black and white than she thought. As she befriends and makes enemies out of angels, priests, and demons alike.

This game contains suggestive themes and language. As well as girls kissing girls. (Sometimes in manners of dubious consent) If either of those aren't your thing you'll likely not enjoy it.

Updated 19 days ago
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(25 total ratings)
AuthorKayako Amaya (Rin)
GenreRole Playing
TagsFantasy, Female Protagonist, Multiple Endings, Romance, story-driven, Yuri


Corruption of Laetitia.exe 163 MB
Corruption of Laetitia.zip 167 MB

Install instructions

Added a .zip format of the game because certain virus scanners block the executable installer (as I am not a 'known distributor') The zip can merely be extracted wherever you want and will run without any alterations.

Development log


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(2 edits) (+4)

Although I sadly lost access to some of the development files for this game, I decided to put out a small update. This, likely final, update fixes the last few small bugs I was able to work on (Some out-of bounds issues and a soft-lock) As well as replacing some placeholder art that should have been replaced years ago.
I'd like to thank Wispy Vee for the cute new monster girl entries!

I also rewrote some of the more childish dialogue (Some of which was written when I was a literal kid)

This is sadly as much as I can do right now given the limited access I have to the project data, I hope I can consider this the final release!

There are ways to extract the project data from the packaged release, though not sure that would cover everything. Still, thank you!


Yeah, that's what I had to do, it doesn't cover everything, so I pretty much had to extract, recompile, ignore the errors, then replace the files in the old version and hope nothing broke, it was not enjoyable!

I really liked the game at first, but I kept running into the issue that when I would load a save I often found that things had changed in my save, like dead bodies that I hadn't cleared yet disappearing, characters changing position or sometimes minor characters entirely disappearing, ect. It got really annoying after awhile because I accidentally hit the wrong button a lot on games and I also sometimes will go back on a choice I've made, but when things change between the saves it just feels like I'm missing content I would have wanted to see.

(2 edits)

It's perfectly understandable that such things ruin your immersion with the game or cause frustration!

The moving bodies is not you missing any content, it's sadly an engine limitation issue... What happens is, if you exit a room, the bodies end up where the creature/person stood when they were alive, rather than where you killed them. Most games made in the engine get around that by simply not having corpses, or removing them when you exit a room, but for my game that would not have sufficed.

To get the effect working where you can walk under/through some walls, I have to also reset room object positions upon loading a save.

Unfortunately nothing I can do about that, but I understand if it's too much to want to keep playing! Thanks for giving the game a try!

Absolutely stunning game.  I'd pay for a gem like this.  Seriously you should consider it in the future

Ehehe, I don't think my work is quite at the level I can ask money for it, lacking the confidence and the people skills... I know I can't do it alone and my experiences with hiring help is that unless I nag them (Sometimes even if I do) they don't deliver their part, and I can't rely on help to stick with me to the end...

I am glad you enjoyed this little passion project though! Thank you for your kind words!

Curious things I have encountered:

1) Purple hair girl in prison. I set her free but was that the 'right' decision?

2) Strange creature behind a tree in the village of Asowar.  Beat him & he ran off.

The purple girl was intended to show up again later, in the end that encounter was cut, releasing her has no consequences, just a free item!

The strange creature was one of the many Easter eggs, a reference to a kind person who encouraged me by drawing fan art, just a little something~

Ok. Game keeps saying I can't advance until mutual feelings are shown. How do I do that?

Oh that just means you can't advance your relationship with the character you're trying to raise affection with, until you reached a certain event in the story, and unlock their special scenes, you can still proceed with the game but won't raise your standing with them is all.

(1 edit)

Ah. I know it would be possible Spoilers but how would I trigger them? You could send them to my email if you want. Also, found a strange item (a key?). What does that do?

Oh that's another Easter egg, one that I'm somewhat embarrassed about adding now I'm a grown-up. I will say no more!

Like the game. Don't mind the darkness so much BUT how do I even make money on here? Can't afford much since monsters don't drop a lot of it.

Yeah the early game isn't great about money, Later on, treasure chests will give tons, as will human enemies, in hindsight I should have added more ways to make money early on. To be fair you don't really need to buy much, especially early game, most weapons and armor will also drop from chests!

(1 edit)

One other question. Is there any place where it has hints to get all the achievements? Also, it says I can't advance the relationship until I "prove' myself with the character.


When I get to the top of the stairs, how I beat that area? Have no clue what to do to survive and beat that part of the game.

If you mean the tower, there's multiple floors, assuming you mean the first one all you have to do is just "Relinquish your hatred" (Basically, don't attack, just guard/heal)

I made it to what I'm assuming ins the top. There are three lights that keep attacking me. I'm guessing my corruption is too high because I keep dying.

(1 edit)

Ah yeah, that's 'fight' is harder the higher your corruption is.

You need to body-block the lights, each of which does about 15% of your health in damage to you and lowers your corruption slightly.

You may need to heal up using herbs and such from your inventory between hits

Make sure the wisps don't hit the other person (If they do it does 50% of your health in damage)

The event ends when you hit 0 corruption


I'm really enjoying every aspect of this game so far with two caveats. First is the lack of an auto-run feature, and the second is that is can be really hard to see sometimes, especially with the small window size which also makes in-battle status hard to read on high-res monitors. While it does fit the narrative/worldbuilding, the darkness can be a bit much at points. And this is with me playing in a dark room having turned up the brightness higher than I normally do.

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm glad to hear that at least parts of the game are enjoyable to you, and sorry for the ones that aren't, Sadly I reinstalled my PC a while back (My system was randomly crashing) and lost access to the project files in doing so. An auto-run feature would have likely been hard to implement in the old engine regardless!

I probably can't help with the brightness, but pressing alt+enter makes the game full=screen which can help a little on that front!

(1 edit)

Just finished the game, and honestly my first, second and third thoughts are all just "wow". The game was a lot larger than I expected, and in a good way; I kept on being surprised by how much more there was to explore and people to talk to. The worldbuilding is just superb, especially for a free game like this. I always had a lot of fun just immersing myself in the world and exploring and talking to random people. I also liked how smooth the UI generally felt, both in combat and while just traversing the world.

One probably minor thing that I found interesting was that most enemies didn't seem to respawn. I actually found myself liking this mechanic, since each enemy I defeated felt like it was slow but permanent progress towards clearing out an area, and since I never felt like grinding was necessary (at least on normal difficulty) I could just pick and choose which enemies to kill and which not to (or even just skip them all entirely if I so desired).

I liked all the characters a lot; not just the main cast but also all the supporting background characters. I'll never be able to stomach doing an evil run since I'm too attached to everyone, and to me that's a sign of very good writing. In particular, I do like how the story does address Malayna's initial behaviour; I will admit she did make me a bit uncomfortable at the start, but after the conversations in her mansion she grew on me a lot.

The only real issue I have is how luck-based the combat can potentially be, and really this is just personal preference; I tend to prefer turn-based combat with less rng myself, but I understand that this is definitely not universal. As for an interesting positive with the combat, I've actually grown to like not knowing enemy hp bars, since it forces an additional layer of strategy - do I risk a weak blow that may not kill to conserve my mana/fury, or can I afford to play it safe and go for a strong attack?

To sum it up, I really really liked the game, and honestly would've been happy to pay like $15-20 to get it as a game on Steam or something. Just a very very very very very good game. Yay

Oh wow, thank you, a message like this was just what I needed right now. I'm so glad you enjoyed my silly little game as you did! I don't even know where to be gin to address everything you said but just, thank you,

I won't take credit for the UI, while I made some slight alterations to more fit my preferences, the engine I used for the most part came with them, still I am glad my changed didn't detract from them at least!

As for the characters, I'm glad you found them likeable! I wanted their personalities to be as different as I could get. And it's good to see that Malayna was received exactly as intended, I didn't want to make it seem like the game condoned her initial behaviour!

As for the luck-based critique, yeah I may still have had too much of that, I tried to dial it back somewhat (For example, enemies not being able to critical hit you on normal, and the player landing 95+% of their hits instead of like 50%) but I feel like I could have still done better there. And probably will in future projects if I ever get the time to work on these again!

All said though, thank you for showing the game your love, it makes me very glad that I pushed through and didn't give up on it!

I feel like "save often and to different save slots" might mean different things to different people, because I've run out of save slots but apparently the campaign is only just beginning lol. 


Wahaha, it does mean different things to different people. It was meant to warn people who save on one single slot and then find out a choice they made 5 minutes ago had such a terrible outcome they want to go back.

The warning was really only intended for those who usually save to one slot only!


For some reason I can't seem my creator so its kind of a pain to move in game, I have try to exit the game and reload to last save but it says that way. (My last save was of me not being able to see creator.)

(4 edits) (+1)

Invisible character? Oof, that could be a lot of things, unfortunately, even a few dropped frames can occasionally lead to weird graphical glitches if they happen at a bad time... at what part of the game are you?

If you're in an outside area and you have a "Horn of Detrius" in your inventory try using that and see if that fixes it. Or if you can get to a bed try sleeping. both of those have calls that should reset your appearance.

(1 edit)

Its all good now it kind of just fix it self, my guess it had something to do with the traveling using the portal. Like after you raze a town and can no longer use it, but choice to go there anyways, in this case it was the last town in the game. Right now replaying the game with the good guy end or what ever you like to call it. Also great game only wise there was more spells to damage with and of cores a longer game but other then that its really dam good. So if by chance you ever feel like making a squeal to the game I would like to help some how.

Oh dear, that does sound like a bit of a glitch indeed. That might actually be an oversight on my part (I didn't test the final stretch of the 'evil' route quite as well as I should. I'll definitely look into that!

As for a sequel, I want to do that (And I also want to remake this one in a better engine with more content and better graphics) but I simply don't have the time or budget for it anymore. If the ever changes in the future. Perhaps!

Is there any way to adjust the brightness or make it full screen

Alt+enter is for fullscreen, Sadly I know no way to add adjustable brightness levels that doesn't break everything!


I hope for a sequal to because I really enjoyed this game and there is no other like it so is there ever going to be a sequal to this game I hope or one like it?


I'm sorry. There were plans for it, but this game took me around 8 years (And well over 3000 dollars) to make, which is something I can no longer afford. It was also stressful, very stressful!

Maybe if by some miracle this or my current project somehow gains enough popularity that I can risk trying to do gamedev for a living. But otherwise my current project (Which doesn't have much in common with this one) will sadly by my last. If I ever finish it.

My apologies!


This is kind of a surreal thing to hear myself say but is there any way for you to provide the option to pay for this game? I know a lot of games are priced as "pay what you want." Normally I avoid paying for stuff as much as I can, but if I could I'd gladly pay the 3000 you'd need on my own.

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

Ah, that's extremely generous, And thank you but. I wouldn't feel right taking that when I am still otherwise occupied! I had a donation page for the game for a while. (I removed it because after 2 years without donations and only 10% of my goal reached it felt embarrassingly desperate.. Eheehe..) As it stands I feel obliged to finish my other projects first! Maybe once this project is done I'll start a gofundme or a patreon for a sequel in a better engine, 
Maybe even a more competent remake of the first now I have the skill.

Were it not for the other projects I had going, I would say yes, But I have a track record to keep. That of finishing any project I announce and keeping my promises!

I absolutely understand. Finishing what you start is important.

Hm… thinking about doing another run. I know I want to do Hard mode but I’m not sure whether or not to be Good or Pure Evil. I could even try not interacting with corpses.

(2 edits)

Not interacting with corpses is going to be hard since they will likely be blocking your way at times, wahaha! I'm sorry! There's also not really anything special for ignoring the dead.

Dang. Maybe I’ll try Pure Evil Mage. Just gonna suffer through early game.

Okay, I’m just gonna go max corruption instead of being a jerk. Can’t beat Slime Queen with Gaia broken hearted.

Probably easier yeah, While the game is beatable doing everything the evil way, Hellish yard is a struggle on your own! 

I am guessing malayna the demon lord is a futa seeing that females can't get other females pregnant but malayna ending the text saying celest had a child from malayna am I right? I loved the game shame there is no others like this game.

I can't confirm nor deny this for the sake of my feigned innocence! (Who am I kidding?) It's magic! Yeah.. Magic!


Hope you're all feeling spiffy! For those wondering what the latest patch has been about, it fixes two somewhat missed errors found in this comment section!

*Riliane's "Devil's Bride" title now assigns the correct stats
*Alraunes can now be dismissed from the party

It seems that you cannot dismiss the alraune after you have summoned her. She doesn't have any dismissal command among her abilities like the other monstergirls.

Ah, no idea how I didn't notice that, Thought you'll get a different way to change party members around that point not having a default one would be a bit weird yeah.. I'll try and fix it!

Thank you for still offering support for this game! After I am done with the run I'm at, I'm gonna try a genocide run. I expect everyone, even Malayne, to hate me, but I wanna see if the demonic spear mentioned in one of the books can be obtained, and I'm certain that a neutral run won't do.

It seems like the Devil's Bride title for Riliane doesn't give her mana?

Ah thanks, seems there was a capitalization error there. I've fixed it and I'll see if other errors pop up in the coming days. If not I'll re-upload with the fix!

(1 edit)

how i can corrupt ryliane sorry for not posting in months but my pc died

I'm sorry for taking longer to reply! I lost access to my account for a bit. 'Corrupting' Rilliane is an 'Easter egg' more than anything. You need to obtain the "Necromancer's staff" and force her to wear that. Note that doing so will harm your relationship with her. But she will subsequently be less affected by further relationship losses. She will only remain in that state as long as she has the staff equipped. (It can later be upgraded)

I'm not sure if this is a bug or not: On my girlfriend's record, every time she sleeps, she gets one of the bed scenes with Gaia -- the same scene each time, like a flag isn't being removed.

It became a maybe-issue because when she reached the chuch in Grunfeld, she couldn't trigger the scene with Riliane, which IIRC on my own record happened after sleeping there. She just gets the Gaia scene instead.

(I'm not sure if this is intended behavior or not. It's possible we just ended up on different relationship paths, but we made very similar choices throughout the game and her relationship score with Riliane is at the best-friend cap.)

(1 edit)

I found the issue! It seems that in certain cases the second Gaia scene can be ended before it sets the flag. I will patch it right away! thanks for spotting it!



(1 edit)

Wow, that was fast. Thanks!

edit: I'm curious, what set of conditions were causing it to fail? Something relevant had to differ between her record and mine, but I can't think what it might be.

Most likely your corruption value or your friendship value with Malayna! As far as I could tell the bug couldn't occur unless you were in angelic form. And also shouldn't be able to occur if you were locked into a relationship with Malayna.

That said though it's been so long since I made all this it's hard to tell for sure now. Looking back on scripting I did 5+ years ago is a mess. Wahaha.

Okay, that makes sense. Neither of us are/were locked into Malayna, but it's possible my Celeste hadn't yet reverted to angelhood at the time I triggered the scene. I drained more souls in the early game.

And yeah, looking at one's own old code is always...instructive? Informative? Horrifying?

(1 edit) (+3)

Thank you for those still playing my game! Seeing as the project hasn't been forgotten yet I made some more fixes, they are as follows:

  • The scene before the battle of Grunwal should no longer loop if Major Alphonse is the only remaining ally.
  • Player should no longer remain invisible after razing the city and leaving to the south.
  • Candy Cane supreme (Christmas event weapon) should no longer force the wearer into unarmed stance.
  • Equipping a normal weapon after having had candy canes equipped should revert all characters back to normal.

Any bugs that remain I wasn't able to find and/or replicate. My apologies.


Thank you all for 2021 downloads!

Good to see you back again. Don’t push yourself too hard though.

My apologies everyone. It seems that in the time I was gone a lot has happened. I had intended to leave the game into the care of a friend but it seems she got overwhelmed quite early on.

I am far from recovered but I'll see what I can do.

(3 edits)

Unsolved mysteries for me :

- Books : there are 4-5 books scattered in the game. Some you can read, 2 at least you can't. I didn't found any way to use them (I'll write them down when I come across)

- Prison in the scorpion's village ? Couldn't find a way. May be nothing. Also 

- Bunch of locked doors, but I guess it's nothing

- One of the jail at the starting point is locked but inidcate "the key is too small" when trying to open, hinting it may be openable with another. Or not. But maybe

- Didn't find much use of the Matriarch key but to open Matriarch's home (but may be normal)

- One time the door on the left of the tower opened (by the scropion's Matriarch) with the lake where you can throw stuff into it. Didn't figured what triggered it.

- Who is Tsarmina ? We get a drawing of her and the hero very early with "she might have clues". I have a guess, but it imply to remake another entire run  (I'm getting to be an expert of the game soon... Well almost, considering all the things I might have missed)

-What is the "Corruption" scroll for ?

I found a looot of glitches, but I guess it'd be a nightmare for the dev to go back to it. Anyway, no fatal glitch yet that a reload couldn't fix !

The biggest frustration of all : I'm not sure Malayna can be jealous of Gaia. I tried to make it this way, but I couldn't, and on evil path there is not a lot of flowers I could give to even the affection between the two. :(

(1 edit)

I started a wiki page here : https://wiki.arzinfo.pw/doku.php?id=jv:corruption_of_laetitia

It's very partial and amateurish, but some stuff are complete & sure (I extracted the game data for the CGs confirmation : I missed none !)

For the story part, I couldn't do it right. Took too much strenght out of me to "re:re:re:do things". ^^'

Thank you for going through the trouble of writing a Wiki, I'd contribute but unfortunately the link seems to have died in the past 7 days Or it just doesn't work for me!

the effort is so very appreciated!

Ehehe, To answer your question, Malayna could technically be jealous of Gaia. But Gaia knows Mala too well to risk flirting with you knowing the fiery one has her eyes on you! Unless you're going 100% for Gaia. The succubus will stand back and avoid drama!


Ah, Oh wow, A lot has happened here in the time I was away, sorry a friend offered to take care of my project for me while I recovered but it appears it was too much for her, Let's see!

The scorpion village in all honesty was created by a friend of mine who wanted to make an area, I tried to integrate it as well as I could in the story but, in all honesty, that area is a mystery even to me! Sorry I can't be more of a help there! The key to the Matriarch's home home is simply to open the door to her house if you went and killed the first scorpion girl. Since if you kept her alive she opens it for you!

Indeed a lot of doors are locked and purely decorative, I just didn't have the time to make interiors for all the houses, Maybe one day I will get back to it but for now it's best to assume most people just don't want strangers in their houses tossing pots!

The left door in the tower can be accessed once you are about to leave the last town. After Gaia asks if you need more time to prepare. It allows you to get some 'ultimate' weapons and items if you toss in the right stuff!

The "corruption" scroll and "Tsarmina" were actually a callout and thanks to my first piece of fan-art I ever received. Using the scroll from your inventory just shows the picture.

As for the glitches... Yeah, as a solo dev I struggled a lot to make it all work. I'll fix what I can but there's just so much Take down one and 10 more pop up X3

Thank you for going through this huge mess!

Hi im a bit stuck in the war after getting gae bolg i talk to the map and the event initiates but it gets in a loop of the same event

Gae bolg ? I don't remember this name (and I'm currently doing it for the 3rd time, my memory is a mess >_<)

Did you try to exit the game and load again ?

I finished the game once as a "moderate (all good choices but sucking all souls) and all good choice in romance" and another as totally good (angel bonus stuff) with the priest as lone love interest. Without unavoidable bugs (still there were glitches needing restart of the game sometimes).

(2 edits)

the loop end in talk to the war map to start the war. an then initates the same event i cannot open the menu to quit the game so i have to close it in the bar of windows i already prove another save from  before and gives me the same glitch

I just got gae bolg (triggered just after chapter 19 when exiting the hell dimension). I'm not arrived to any war map yet  ~ (which one btw ?)

the war when you can recruit the alraunes

(1 edit)

Nah I couldn't reciprocate, ended the game with no problem (but one glitch : the MC goes invisible after I rased the before-last city until I go to sleep somehow)

Someone knows how to destory the wall ? In the cave of the scorpid village ? (it's optionnal but it frustrates meee !)

(3 edits)

13h of gameplay and... I'm stuck in a the cave (the one bordering the sea where we get throw off by a suicid bomber).

Is there a trick to it or is it a bug I can't tell, but I'm on a apex of frustration, this was so fun, i will have to redo it at some point. But 13h, gaaahT_T

EDIT : Restart the whole game instead of reloading the saved ones repaired it.

Big "YAY" to this super bigass work. Althought I'm a bit frustrated by the "mecanic part". It was great first but now I want to try other variants, and I'm nooot super looking after all the fights. Guess I'll set super easy. Mhm :x

Yet. Thanks. Thanks thanks thanks. (also the RTS part ? Fun in theory. In practicallity everything was easely done with 3 archers only >_<

I can't believe there was no polyamourous goodending ! But I guess I got it "in the face" and now I need my good ending :o

I'm very surprised. Didn't anybody bother to write a wallkthrought ?

I'll make it if there is none !

Not sure if you weren’t told yet. You can blow up the wall by luring those explosive slimes to the crash into the wall or use a one of the bombs found near the climax of the game (If I remember the second thing correctly)

(5 edits)

Nice ! Thank you very very mch ! I should have thought of it !
I find it a bit astonishing how little walkthrough or talk about this game I could find.

This game isn't straightforward, I'm doing a second run and I think I'll need two more to see most alternatives endings (and I wonder If being angelic/demonic triggers yet other endings depending the romance states, urrgh).

There is one more thing I wonder ; just after demolishing the "engine" and just before killing the captain tracking you since the start, you get "blue doors" that "seems yo judge you". When I tried to interact with any object, my game crashed. Is there something there ?

I'm about "this" to go see if I can lurk into the code, because replayability takes it tolls. But I'm so very curious about the alternative scenes.

The game being super polished 'n all, you can feel the effort poured inside ! <3

Any other idea of hidden little mecanism I could have missed ? Don't spoil if you have, just give pointers please ! :p

I started taking notes ! I hope it'll be of use of some alternate me someday !

Blue doors? I don’t remember that, though it has been awhile since I last played.

Off the top of my head I’ve done a pure good run, a pure corrupt run, and a run where I’ve done good options while consuming souls.

It might be nothing. it might even not be doors but shrines ! :o
There are 3 it's the map where you get to kill captain Ismael, and where you can loot a book, or go downstair where there is a bunch of money and two "balls" one blue one red which you can pray.

BTW as fellow overachiever of this game, do you know if there is an alternate ending with Rilliane where she remember her dark past ? In the good ending + romance with her, it finishes with a "your past doesn't matter". But I just saw the staff could enable a special "dark rilliane skin", so maybe it triggers another end ?

That... Thing with the blue shrines is odd indeed. There's not supposed to be item interactions with them at all.

This is very confusing indeed. sorry, still going through all this! there's a lot to take in.

(4 edits)

Haha, it's always a mix of honor and disbelief to be able to be read by the actual creator of material I enjoyed, it's kinda overwhelming in a good sense. I admire you precious people so much ! <3

Praise be for your work. I personnally thinks it's a fine piece. There were a lot of crash on the way, but I <really don't mind>, it's trivial, what mattered to me is how much work was put into details, how the hard mode was balanced (in fact rushing, the easy mode could be quite hard too !). And the story of course ! I wouldn't have cared much if it would have been "simpler" in fact. I could have done without interactive map, RTS parts 'n all. It's cool it was here, I just think as a "smalltime dev" it'd be a pain to maintain so much layers of intertwined stuff !

It was so cool to take "weird routes" (killing rilliane for instance and let myself jailed) to see you had scripted a special bit for this special case.

My biggest question for you would be on alternate endings, i really want to see it all ! Iis there an alternate ending with Rilliane where she recovers/face her past ? I was about thiiis to remake an entire run with Rilliane in evil mode when I saw you could upgrade the staff as a lich staff and Rilliane says something like "heh I knew it", like if she started to get really twisted ^^'
And with the artifacts ? (blue/red balls and Altar which heal you if you are in angel mode) - I didn't interacted with them every time now that I think of it and I wonder if there was something to it.

(also for the wiki I worked on this week, it's self hosted and... Some farmer struck my phoneline theses past days so my website was down ! It's up now. But you won't find much, it's really just sloppy fanwork ;..;

(1 edit)

Sorry for not getting back to this sooner. I asked a friend to handle the page while I was away but it was all a bit much for her. My programming is too much of a mess for anyone but me to read!

To break that wall you actually have to trick one of the exploding slimes to slam into it, it's pretty hard but doable!

And oh, My bad, someone else already said this. Wahaha

Related to this, I noticed that the necromancer's staff can be perma-missed. The exploding slimes stop appearing after you finish the area. With them gone, I don't think there's any way to break the wall.

(1 edit)

It wouldn't be too much of a problem if it were the case. But you can in fact blow the wall up with bombs as someone pointed out! Bombs however only appear near the back-end of the game as loot from chests and rare drops.

To which end I wonder if anyone found or fought the hidden boss yet.

Deleted 1 year ago

The engine the game is made on doesn't support compiling for Mac sadly, it would require me to export or remake it in a new engine or find a wrapper program neither of which is within my ability, unfortunately, I'm sorry.


Message of note: I thank everyone who has played my friend's games. Sadly she has been unable to work on them due to RL issues. Not least of which depression. She has sent me all game files and development notes. If any critical issues arrive I will do my best to solve them. I cannot promise any major changes however.

I nearly lost my life to depression a couple of times, so I totally understand. Dealing with that is more important than dealing with us. Best wishes, and I hope she recovers (as best as she can) and gets all of the support she needs.

The white text makes it hard to read on the background

I found the Vocaloids house....

They gave me the ability to make a leek blade.  Even after I finished the playthrough; I had no idea how to forge it though.

Ah yes, that easter egg, I don't remember the recipe, probably something like iron and spring onions but it should be in the cooking interface!

Bug(fix) report: My second run is now past the point where the battle lockup bug occurred (and I played almost identically to the first run), so I think it's fixed for real now. There's been no hint of Malayna's bugged vengeance trigger either.

The battle crash bug is still there, but that's just annoying, not gamebreaking.

Ehehe, so the script hack was no good in the end... I hope it doesn't occur too often, it's frustrating that it exists but I'm kinda at a loss sadly. I'll give it a run on my laptop sometime and see if it happens there, so I can at least see how bad it is!

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It's okay -- as I said, it's annoying, not gamebreaking.

Oddly, my GF plays on the same machine and has had far fewer battle crashes. We use separate user accounts with separate installations, so maybe we somehow wound up with different versions? Was there another release within a few days of the one that fixed the lockups? I can't find a changelog to check.

First off, I really enjoyed your game.  Last night, I just finished completing it for the the first time.  Got the neutral ending, while also accidentally killing Rilanne during the sins incident.  Planning to go to do more run throughs.  It's been really fun.

Also, I saved doing the last Stairway to Heaven till near the end, and found I can't use any of Celeste's skills or magic.  I can't even use her healing skills outside of battle.   I noted from the corresponding page number (and the fact Rillane's sprite is shown though she doesn't speak because it's after she was killed by Malayna) that this was meant to be done quite earlier from where I was at that point, so I'm wondering if this the game getting confused because I waited too long.

(2 edits)

Oh, this is quite interesting indeed. I have... no idea how that could have happened. The Riliane part I guess is a fault on my part I can easily fix, but being unable to use Celeste's abilities? I have no idea what could have resulted in that... I will look into it but, I haven't slept properly since newyears eve so it's kinda hard for me to focuss...

So far I was unable to replicate the part about being unable to use Celeste's skills. I fixed Riliane showing up when she's dead though, I think! There's so many variables to think of that going back a year after I wrote all this feels like looking at someone else's code.

Be sure to get some rest.

(3 edits)

Riliane's sprite being there when she's meant to be dead may be the issue.  I just went through the quest again with her alive, and didn't have that problem.

Edit:  But on another note, for some reason when I enter the cave with Riliane after the suicide bomber blows himself up on the bridge, I can't go pass that narrow ridge where the bat enemy is.  It's like there's this invisible wall.  I can pass with other characters in my party, but Riliane can't be in it or I can't pass.

I don't think those are necessarily related sadly, As I was able to pass there before, sadly the game has become quite a mess of script, switches and variables to the point it's gotten unstable and I just don't know what to do with it anymore. The project became more than I can manage alone.

Going back after such a long time, noting makes sense anymore. I will still try but, So far I can't replicate the issue with Celeste's skills not being usable after the last trial. So I can't see what went wrong there.

I'm not surprised with how much is packed in there.  I didn't know there was a strategy RPG in this as well until I got to Ostwuld.  I avoided Arrowar and took the marsh area instead and had Gaia do Grunwhal for me.  Not to mention the minigames scattered around and certain areas changing based on playing during the holidays, I'm not surprised if all these variables somehow unintentionally affect each other.

Still, despite the issues I had, I got through the game.  And redid the final area multiple times to get both the neutral and pure endings.  And I'm looking forward to starting another playthrough from the beginning.  This game is fun, and I can't give enough admiration and praise to you for making this project a reality.

Thank you! I'm glad you had fun with the game despite its flaws, I've still been messing around with switches and other triggers to try and get to the root of the issues but so far no luck, I kinda hope that by some miracle I will find out what caused them so I can hopefully create a fix! I know it's a free game but I would like for it to not be a total mess~ At least I learned a lot making this.

(2 edits)

So I found a very strange bug. Was working on my Neutral Run. I'm a Dark Caster with a Dark Priestess Riliane, I'm doing all good options but absorbing souls. I got the Candy Cane Supreme but for some reason it switches me to the Unarmed build. When it first happened I reloaded the save and tried it again but it had the same result. I'll probably go along with it no matter what, just wanted to inform you for future December players.

Also because I'm dumb, I didn't make it a separate save when I noticed it, but that's more of a me thing.


Ah, It shouldn't be a problem, switching to any other weapon should switch you back! Thatsaid though, I'll definitely look into and fix this when I have the time! Both December and January were excruciatingly busy for me so far.

Yeah, I found that out. I just decided to mess around with the 400 attack unarmed build since it seemed fun. Mostly wanted to point it out since Candy Cane Supreme is the best weapon if you don't go pure good or corrupt.

So accidentally deleted my folder for this game (Don't ask how) so I had to redo my various files. Also ended clearing a full corrupted run and paired up with Gaia. I was kinda surprised by some of the content.


Wooo, I am glad you managed to finish a run~! And I can only imagine what kind of content you mean! I added so much weird stuff. Stuff I could only get away with because I mostly work alone~

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Re-finished my Light run. All that's left is my neutral(?) Dark Priestess run. Then I'll suffer in Hard mode.

So apparently, even if you do all good options, consuming every human soul in your path will get you the Dark Ending. That's helpful to know. I'll have to try and get a Neutral Ending at some point.

(2 edits)

I only just started to take another serious shot at this -- work has been too busy and I ended up having to restart from scratch after the battle bug fix.

I ran into another (much less serious) bug: Somehow, my new save inherited some (all?) of the cooking recipes my old one had. When cooking first unlocked, I had double copies of the initial recipes, and still had access to late-game recipes I know I shouldn't have had. For comparison, I extracted a new copy of the game with no existing saves; playing to the same point didn't produce the behavior.

(It smells like some sort of NG+ feature misbehaving. I'm not complaining that much, as it will make it easier to reach the point where I had to restart. But I worry that if cooking data was retained, whatever corrupted the save might have been retained too)

More pleasantly, I did a double take at the Christmas easter eggs. "Why is silent night playing....? Why is there a Christmas tree where there wasn't one before...? Oh wait...haha, that's hilarious and fantastic."

[edit: Actually, I've noticed battles crashing on start a lot more than they did before....but I played the first few hours right after the bugfix release and it didn't happen then, so I think it might not be the game's fault. Unless there's a Christmas effect in battle that could be bugged.]

(1 edit)

I got this game, like, November 30th so I basically only played with the Christmas stuff around. I was really surprised by some of the things I found.

Woo, I hope you are enjoying the game so far! (At least I hope!)

The Christmas stuff was a lot of extra work, but it was work I enjoyed doing~ There's a few Easter eggs like that~ (though no actual Easter event)

And yeah, the combat crash thing... happens. Sadly it seems it's a memory overflow error that is inherent with the engine and becomes more likely to occur the more you add to the system. I had hoped it was gone after not running into it for 2 playthrough but seems like nope! Still there. It seems to occur more when you have certain programs running in the background too. But nothing I can do about it... Sorry!

(2 edits)

I'm still enjoying it on the second run, yes. :-)

I think I can confirm that Malayna's bugged vengeance message is fixed. Celeste has fallen multiple times when Malayna's relationship score was high enough to trigger the bug, and we haven't seen it happen. That's a good sign. It will be a bit longer before I can confirm that the later battle lockup is also fixed.

Laetitia wouldn't happen to use the same battle engine as Luxaren Allure, would it? I ask because LA had a very similar issue with battles crashing, but a fix was eventually found (long after I'd finished the game, sadly, but I was tracking the thread for other reasons). I don't know if the same fix would work for Laetitia, but maybe it's worth a shot?

Alright, something confusing happened during my run. I just finished the Strategy section for Arowar and after I finished, Gaia's relationship with me dropped from 40 to 4 and I have no idea why.

(4 edits) (+1)

Oof, that's a bug indeed, I will look into it as soon as possible,

Edit: It seems I used a set to 4 instead of a raise by 4 when your corruption is over 100. (among other things) I'm sorry!

Edit 2: Compressing and uploading the fixed version. I'm afraid this project was really too big for me alone. So many choices I had to only run a surface test on if I wanted to ever finish it at all.

Oh, thanks. I ended up just going along with it and saving over my spare file of that run since I ended up making a lot of progress (Dark Priestess Run has been too fun to really stop) but it'll be really helpful for some of my future playthroughs.

Hello, I don't know if I am stuck or not... mind telling me the way to do the Malayna Envy part? First thing I done is clear the rooms on envy, then finished greed without clearing the middle by using my own food... then cleared the cooking area at the middle.. and I don't know what to do on envy..

Did you find the mirror key item? You're supposed to use those on the eyeballs to get rid of them.

As Bugfragged already replied, yes, you're not stuck! You just have to find a mirror and use it on the eyes. Hints at such can be found by inspecting the broken mirrors. I wonder if I was too cryptic, but I guess that's the risk one runs when having puzzle sections.

(3 edits) (+1)

Today I uploaded what I expect to be the final release of the game (Unless fixable bugs are found) I also released a development log with my final thoughts.

Major changes:
-New CG romance scene for all romance options (Nothing lewd, sorry!)

-Added an after-credits epilogue story that tells you how your actions affected the characters and the world of Laetitia going forward.

Bug Fixes:
-(Likely) fixed an error that could lock the first battle entered after the "tower of revelation" chapter. (Thanks to 'Error' for pointing out where the problem lies) Unfortunately I have found no way to retroactively fix saves that are already affected and saves that passed the "Camp Akateko" chapter prior to the patch may still trigger it.

-Fixed a bug where one could get trapped behind the Savia village blacksmith's anvil if you saved in the wrong spot.

-Fixed a weird glitch where inspecting a certain toilet would... Prompt Riliane to talk about drinking wine. (Thank you for finding that one pseudonymous)

Hopefully that is all the current known bugs taken care of!

(2 edits)

Another bug report. This happened on both my record and my GFs at around the same point, just before the (minor spoiler) suicide bomber on the bridge:

Battles hang after inputting commands for the first round. Nobody takes any actions. The hang occurs if and only if (larger spoiler) Malayna is in the party. The presence of other members and party order don't seem to matter. Neither does the specific encounter. Removing her from the party prevents the hang, but it returns if we put her back in.

Our next-to-last saves (about an hour back) don't exhibit the issue. Looking through the comment thread, this may be the same bug reported by Intergalactic Trash about six months back. It's probably significant that all three cases happened at the same point in the game.

I'm afraid I updated the game before realizing you might want to know the version it occurred on, but I might be able to dig the previous one out of the download cache if you think it would be useful.

I can provide the faulty saves if it will be helpful for troubleshooting.

It's concerning that you're the second person reporting this bug... I want to fix it but I need to know more!
Could you tell me which route you're on? Did you have another duel with Malayna after the tower? Is everyone alive in your playthrough? Sadly due to making a game with branching paths bugs like these are hard to fix, especially with older versions involved.. But I will keep researching and doing my best, I am afraid though that uploading saves won't really help in this case. And if the bug is in the latest version I don't know why I can't replicate it...

It has something to do with the tower boss for sure, specifically the solo-battle after it. But try as I may the error doesn't occur. If it's in the recent version and I can't fix it in a week or 2 I will take down the download until I know what's wrong.

(2 edits)

(spoiler warning)

I *think* we are both on a "good" route, but I'm not sure because I've strictly avoided spoilers. For reference, on her record, Celeste has reverted to a valkyrie; on mine she's not quite there yet (I drained a bit more early on). All characters that have ever joined the party are still alive, I think. The only named character I recall dying is that paladin you fight a couple times (I remember being somewhat surprised that he died for real after the second fight). I do not recall any duels with Malayna since the beginning.

Since we have two affected records and two non-affected records, I *might* be able to reproduce it when we reach that point again. I will try. If it doesn't happen, maybe I can diff the two save files for discrepancies. I could also try reproducing under both the current and previous versions, if the old one is still available.

If the bug only occurs with Malayna, maybe the bug doesn't involve the last fight in general, but the last fight where she was present? I don't have any evidence of that, it's just where my head would go if I were debugging it myself.

I should have an opportunity to experiment later this week, or the weekend at latest.

[edit: I remember one other odd thing that might be relevant. I've seen Malayna's "Celeste's down, now I'm pissed" vengeance line trigger sometimes even when she wasn't in the party. I didn't think much of it at the time, and it didn't seem to break anything; I mention it only because the same character is involved.]

Ah, I think you found the issue! That last one was it, The dialogue triggered a forced action! But I thought I had fixed that... Nevertheless it will be fixed in the final version! Which I hope to upload as soon as I get this last image from my artist.

Thank you so much!

Oh cool. I'm glad I decided to mention it after all. :-)

Is there anything we can do to avoid the problem in our non-broken records, or should we just wait for the release?

Unfortunately not a lot can be done other than making sure that Celeste doesn't get knocked out while Malayna isn't in the party. Another option is to not get too friendly with her before the point she becomes a permanent party member. Again, I am surprised this can even happen, but I will do my darnest best to ensure it becomes a hundred percent impossible!



In Riliane's house, if you inspect the toilet after she uses it she says "This is no time to drink wine."

... Err... I didn't think this was that kinda game...


Wahaha, now that is a weird bug indeed... I don't know how this could have occurred since it's taking the dialogue from a wine bottle on the other side of the house. But I will just redo the events in that area to fix it as I assure you this isn't intentional X3

When it happens the wine bottle vanishes, and it fixes itself if you leave and re-enter.

I figured it was the script that moves Ril into position somehow grabbing the wine bottle entity as well, but it was really funny to see!


That's babasically what happened yes, it treated the wine bottle as if it was Riliane for some reason~ I must have added that part when sleepy! Good find X3

I've basically spent the entire day binging this game because I got drawn into it, but after beating the boss in the Tower of Revelation for the first time, I forgot to save and got killed by an unexpected quick time event, which sent me back to before the boss. Now every time I get to the end of the fight, the boss activates its final attack and I get thrown out of the fight, but get a game over when Celeste lands instead of Malayna appearing. I've done this like five times to the same result, whether the boss lands the last attack that round or a mob does.

I was thinking it might be an issue with hitting zero hp, but there's not really a warning that the boss is about to throw that at you, so I'm guessing that's not it. Still, I got so fed up I was going to boost my stats just to get through the fight and set them back, did so with a save editor, and then found that the save game I used for it is broken afterwards, even if I revert the stat changes.

I'm at the end of my rope. I really want to continue, but I can't seem to get past the boss now, and I've fought it so many times I really don't want to do it again. T_T

Oof, this isn't something that should happen, and it definitely isn't something I've seen happening before. But there's definitely a dirty fix I can think of that would certainly keep it from occurring. Sadly I probably can't fix your save, I know nothing about save editors. 

The best I can recommend is you take a break until my next update which puts in a few extra preventive measures for bugs like these that have been reported but which I haven't been able to replicate. Hopefully preventing them altogether.

Sadly the release of this update rests largely on my artist who has been quite busy and as such has been taking a while... Until then I can't release patches as the developer build has a number of unfinished scenes that make no sense without the art. I'm sorry.

Don't worry about it, I got bored last night and tried one last time. Restarting the game seems to have fixed it. I'm guessing this only happens if you reload a previous save after defeating the boss once. So...I could have saved myself a lot of trouble be restarting sooner. lol.

(1 edit)

My girlfriend and I are loving this so far, but she just ran into what looks like a serious (albeit rare) bug. I'm not sure where else to report it so I'll leave it here:

This happened just outside Savia, the first town, near the blacksmith. When reloading a save there, after Malayna gives her initial blurb, the blacksmith moves a couple tiles. If you saved in exactly the wrong spot, his new position traps you behind him so you can't get out. Ever. Or at least, we couldn't find a way and she had to revert to an earlier save.

(thankfully, the game's warning to keep multiple records limited the damage -- she didn't have to start over completely)

I can upload the offending save somewhere if needed.

Oh, This is a serious issue indeed! But also one I should easily be able to fix at least~! I don't need the save for this unless you have lost a lot of progress and you want me to hack you out of that precarious position using the dev tools.

Sadly it will be a while before I can post the next update due to things moving a bit slow with the artwork for a scene I added. But it seems other than another rare bug that can occur roughly 4-6 hours later in the game. (One that I sadly can't replicate. And as such don't know if it's fixed or not.) The rest shouldn't have any hurdles!

I'm glad you're enjoying the game so far~!

Hey. its me. i left a review once before about loving the game but i recently started to play again and i got past the cultist bomber and im on the beach now but it wont let me progress any further if i fight an enemy itll show the battle phase and let me choose what spells to use then itll just show the screen and it wont let me do anything. i've restarted my laptop twice and exited and re-opened it more than once. what can i do? im desperate to progress and finish the game.

(1 edit)

like its letting me progress but the fighting and battles wont work?? i even restarted the game and it let me fight there but not in the current save file i have. :(((

(2 edits)

Uwah. I'm sorry you ran into something like that... This is sadly a bug that I thought I had fixed. It happens if the battle before the one you're in now ended unexpectedly in the middle of an action. Do you recall what was the last battle that you fought before this one? Loading any save before that battle should fix it, but I would still need to know which encounter it was so I can look into patching the error out.

Knowing your current party composition and if there's any character in your party now who hasn't been in your party before this battle would also help!

(1 edit)

uhmm honestly sometimes i just spam my space bar but right now in my party i have gaia, celeste, belle, and malayna. it was fine until after the party composition thing after i saved malayna from the 3 vessels of sin. i also changed the party composition where it would be celeste, malayna, gaia, then bella. 

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

I assume Bella is the name you gave the priestess? Considering you mentioned Malayna though I can't help but wonder, did you install the latest version of the game? You can just extract it over the old one, if your version is over 4 months old it may still have the bug I fixed~ That said though it does not retroactively fix saves that already display the bug I fear.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience, if I could do more I would but sadly I'm no longer in contact with the one person who could help me fix issues like these properly.

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